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Monthly Archives: September 2019
What a journey it is to get MintPPC automatically installed. Yesterday I finally made a breakthrough. The installer is now able to detect my local repository, the Debian-ports repository, to add the required keys and to start downloading and installing all required packages to get to the MintPPC desktop. There is still one problem, which …
Manual installation MintPPC
I will give some guidance on how to manually install the Mint layer on top of Debian sid. Debian sid can be installed as described in my other post. If you end up with a black screen after booting, follow this page. First we need to make sure we have the right PATH settings, so …
Installation woes
For the past couple of days I have been trying to get MintPPC installed in an easy way onto my iBook. I found out that using a preseed file with a repository elsewhere won’t work as the modern Debian netinstaller does not accept repositories as the installer environment does not have gpg to its disposal. …
Configuration of Mint-LXDE
Wow, finally I got ‘mint-lxde-default-settings’ working. This package deals with all tweaks to get a Mint-LXDE desktop. The package will provide newly created users with a beautiful looking desktop, which is already quite similar to Linux Mint. I think I have the most difficult part behind me now. Soon, volunteers may start testing MintPPC. For …
Installing Debian sid LXDE
For those of you who are willing to go down the rabbit hole, I hereby present a quick guide to get Debian sid with an LXDE desktop installed reliably on PowerPC based computers. Quick installation guide Install an lxde-desktop with the latest sid image:https://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/ports/snapshots/2023-06-18/debian-12.0.0-powerpc-NETINST-1.iso If you boot into a black screen, follow this page. Then …
Welcome to MintPPC
Ok world, here I am again. After a long break I am working on MintPPC again. I am trying to get Debian sid with an LXDE desktop transformed into a pleasant minty experience. I have to admit beforehand that installing MintPPC sid will not be as easy as in the past. Please stay tuned. Regards,Jeroen …