
Donations to Projec...
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Donations to Project

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Hello Jeroen and all MintPPC fans,

I'm thrilled to see a second renaissance of MintPPC is under way! I had heard of the project when I pulled my old PowerBook G4 12" off the shelf and hoped to Re purpose it. Unfortunately, I was late to the party and found no trace of it online anymore.

I then resorted to trying to get other Linux versions installed to no avail - largely because of my PB's video chipset and my lack of sufficient technical abilities to engineer a working solution.

Now, months later, I randomly find that MintPPC is back! (Or at least it was until the recent installation setback.)

I know that this is a passion project for Jeroen and that all I can contribute right now is patience and maybe some financial support for the project.

I didn't see any info in the forum about donations so I created this topic. Is there a way to donate to the effort? 

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Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 151

That is very kind of you. I don't need money, I only need time. Hopefully I will be able to spin an iso this weekend.
