New openbox window themes

Considering that the default Mint-X-Openbox theme as it came with Linux Mint LXDE 12 is becoming somehow old, I thought it was a good idea to start looking for some new minty themes.

On I came across some variations to the default Mint-X-Openbox theme. What I personally don’t like very much about it is the grey fonts in the title bar of the windows. I switched to MintZ, which can be found as follows.

Open from the Menu under Preferences: Customize Look and Feel (LXAppearance).

Select the tab Window Border and go through the list. I selected MintZ. I like the dark font better as it is much more readable.

With the next update of mint-lxde-artwork, you will be able to do these minor changes.

Published by admin

Developer of MintPPC

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